Looking at The Online Photographer, I'm well impressed with the Fujifilm F30's ability to shoot at high ISOs.
For day to day snapshots I use a Cannon SD400, which is a pretty solid peice of work (if tiny), and since I'm not the world's most steady shot, I tend to keep the ISO higher than lower most of the time. But most of the time it ends up producing images that are a lot more grainy than I'd like.
Looks like the F30 does a good bit better:
I have to admit I bought one of these a few weeks ago. Like most digicams, it's not much fun to use—fiddley menu interfaces driving you crazy. But its high-ISO results are within shouting distance of those of some DSLRs. You can use ISO 400 without penalty, and ISO 800 is fully usable by my standards. In B&W mode, it's the first digital compact that meets and beats Tri-X.
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